Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thrift Thursday #1

My favorite local thrift store (Unique Thrift Store) had an awesome 50% off sale on Veteran's Day and I went to town. Literally and figuratively! Unique is located an hour away in Louisville, KY, which I consider going to town, ha! I bought some great dresses, a couple belts, some earrings, a new bag and a couple pairs of shoes -- all for half off!

This entire outfit - belt, dress, earrings and boots - cost me under $8! The boots are suede dead stock. Brand new, never worn vintage boots for $3! I just can't get over it. And ignore the less than attractive look on my face. It was a Monday and I was having one of those "If it can go wrong, it will" types of days including a car accident, a family member in the hospital, locking myself out of the house and more! Maybe next time I post about my thrifty finds I can get a photographer (ahem, Josh) instead of trying to capture a whole outfit using Incredibooth. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sometimes a Bad Day...

Today has been foul.

Just a really, really foul kind of day, which is a shame. The weather was amazing for November. Windy and gray, but warm and just lovely. Josh got into a car accident (he's fine, but the truck is a little dinged up), my sister-in-law Cassie is in the hospital having complications with the pregnancy, I'm drowning in homework, I locked myself out of the house, our other car is crapping out on us and money is, as always, way too tight for comfort.

It's days like these I like to whip out my iPod and look through my photos. I take a lot of random photos with my iPod since it's portable and usually with me at all times, but I rarely go back to look at them after I've taken them. The little faces in these photos are what I live for. They make me happy when skies are gray.

Somehow Violet managed to be in all of my favorites. She's sneaky like that!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Flashback Friday

This week's Flashback Friday is a very special Veteran's Day photo of my grandfather. My Grandpa Beasley passed away a few years ago. He was a great man and an important part of my life. I miss and love him very much. Thank you for your service, Grandpa. And thank you to all veterans out there. <3

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Smith Family - Adventure Time Style!

The Adventure Time family portrait I commissioned from *planetariums arrived today and I am in looooooove with it!

She did such an excellent job! She captured all the little details like my necklace, the way Oliver's glasses are always falling down his face and Amelia's gap in two front teeth. It's just perfect! I'm going to have it printed onto canvas soon. Love it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday Tunes

I found this week's Tuesday Tune thanks to Janel over at Runs With Scissors. She recently posed about Rockabye Baby! lullaby CDs and I fell in love!

The good folks at Rockabye Baby! take popular rock groups, such as The Beatles, Queen, the Ramones, Bjork and more, and turn their music into soothing lullabies. I've been playing these at bedtime for Violet, but I love them for myself, too! They're great to listen to while I'm studying since there are no lyrics to distract me (though I can't help but to hum along sometimes). 

Since I'm a huge Queen fan, I decided to feature Queen's most popular tune - lullaby style! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog Lovin'!

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Custom Order Kitties

I finished a custom order today! A gal sent me a photo of a cat she wanted me to make a knit cat modeled after. This is the real world kitty:

and here is my knit version:

She also asked me to knit a full gray kitty to match a real life, fully gray kitty. I didn't do as good a job on matching the plush kitty to the real life kitty, so I'm a little disappointed. But on a time crunch and with a serious lack of supplies, I think I did a decent job. I really hope the customer loves them!!!

Next up in my knitting queue is a hat for my nephew due in December and a monster set for a customer!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What time is it?!

I am so excited to have finally commissioned an artist for an Adventure Time family portrait. I commissioned the lovely *planetariums to Adventure Time-ify all five of us. She does an awesome job as you can see by the adorable PB piece above.

I didn't give her a deadline, so I'm not sure when our custom portrait will be ready, but I can't wait!!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

My BOO-tiful Kiddos

What better way to kick off my new blog than with some Halloween photos of my babies?