Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello 2012!

Happy New Year! Huzzah!

2012 is going to be a year of change for us. We're considering a lot of big changes right now that could impact our whole family in the very near future. On top of considering all these changes and trying make sure we're doing what's best for our family, I've come up with a list of resolutions...

1. Learn. To. Crochet! This has been on my resolution list for the past three years and still hasn't happened. C'mon Ellie!

2. Project 365! I've been really getting into photography and I think Project 365 is a great way to "develop" my skills. Get it?! Photography? Develop?! Ha!

3. Keep up with my super top secret project. I can't tell you what it is because it's, clearly, super top secret! But it involves working on it at least once a week for the entire year and it's super special! Hopefully I'll stick with it and can share sneak peeks throughout the year.

4. Stick with cloth diapering. Violet is still going to be in diapers for the entire year and, while it can be exhausting from time to time, I really do love cloth diapering and it's worth the small inconveniences. 

5. Visit my family more often. This was one of my resolutions last year, but thanks to a rash of car break downs throughout the year, this didn't really come to fruition. We're getting our cars back from the mechanics (yes, both of our vehicles are under the weather) within the next week so we're off to a good start with this one.

6. Build an online presence. In June this year I quit blogging. I was suffering from pretty severe post-partum depression, I was busy with a newborn and in July I decided to go back to college and I have been SWAMPED since then. I've rejoined the blogging world and really want to develop a readership this time around. 

7. Develop my photography skills. This kind of ties in with Project 365, but I really want to get better at photography and post-processing.

8. Make sure Josh knows how much I appreciate him. I want to come up with little ways throughout each week to let Josh know how much I appreciate him and what he does for our family. 

9. Drink more water! I drink far too much soda. End of story.

Farewell 2011!

2011 was SUCH a crazy year. I probably say that every year, but hey, I brought a new person into the world and that isn't something that happens to me every year! I also started college (cough-again-cough) and did a whole bunch of other stuff! Here's a highlight from every single month of 2011! Huzzah!


I celebrated my 24th birthday. Josh made me a lovely heart cake, just like he has for the past three years. It's a tradition that I simply love! And I know a birthday happens every year, but life is worth celebrating and I consider living another year to be an accomplishment!


Oliver won 3rd place for Tiger Cubs in the Cub Scout Pinewood Derby. 2011 was our first year participating and we had such a great time. We were really proud to have won 3rd place!


March was, by far, my biggest month for orders in 2011. I had over 10 orders, which is a whole lotta knittin'!


April was the last month of my pregnancy and I made a bunch of fun DIYs for Violet's nursery. Her mobile was one of my favorites. 


A very special little lady came into our life on the 5th of May. Our family was finally complete! 


In June Oliver lost his very first tooth!


Amelia cut her hair on her own and we had to cut a bunch off to make it look decent. Other than bangs and trims, this was her first major hair cut EVERRRRRRRR! 


Oliver started 2nd grade in August. I still can't believe my little man is a second grader! He also celebrated his 7th birthday on August 27th. 


Josh and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary! Huzzah for love!!!!


My sweet baby girl turned 5! 


My new nephew, Colton James, joined the world! He was a tiny little preemie and was just as precious as can be (and still is!).


Our first Christmas as a full family....oddly enough, there are no photos of the five of us together. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holiday Bokeh

I made a heart shaped bokeh filter to use during some of my holiday photos. These are a few of my favorites. I'll share how to make your own bokeh soon! It's super easy!!!

My new nephew Colton with Papaw Eddie

My ultra handsome husband and the lovely Miss Millie

Another shot of my nephew Colton. I didn't have the heart filter on, but I still love the bokeh in this photo.

My cousin Matt with his daughter Zoe. Precious!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday Tunes

If you watch television, then you've seen the new iPod Touch commercial and you'll know this song. It's stuck in my head all the time lately. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Violet's 1st Christmas

I just wanted to share some of my favorite shots from my "Violet's 1st Christmas" photo session I took earlier this week. I am in love with how they turned out! Merry Christmas, all!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays!

We're getting ready to head to our first of four family holiday parties we're having this year. Happy Holidays everyone and safe travels!!!

XOXO - Eleanor, Josh, Ollie, Millie and Violet

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oliver's Class Christmas Party

Last week I volunteered to help out with Oliver's class Christmas party. I had fun, but I was also on day one of a really wicked cold so I was, sadly, in a fog and just generally kind of blah. Oliver was super excited to have me there, so it was worth it even though I was under the weather. The kids got to wear their pajamas to school in celebration of The Polar Express. Oliver and I made melted snowman cookies to share with his classmates.

Oliver with his teacher, Ms. Mattingly

Gift exchange time!

Oliver handing out his cookies.

Oliver reading his book from Ms. Mattingly.

Oliver turning the cheese up a notch with that smile.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday Tunes

One of my favorite not-really-but-kinda-sorta Christmas songs. Enjoy!

My Christmas Wish List

We're having a rough Christmas this year financially, so I have already asked Josh not to buy me any Christmas gifts. That doesn't mean a gal can't still have some wants. These are the material items at the top of my wish list this year, in no particular order.

Instax Mini 25 - I love the idea of having these little pictures around our home! 

The Holga 120N. Another camera! Hmmmm....I'm noticing a trend here!

Diana F+. I really love this Japanese Golden Week inspired design. 

The Holga 135TIM. Soooooooo cute and very awesome!

A gorgeous bag to put all these cameras in!

This dress from Mod Cloth is awesome!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Violet - 7 Months

I simply can't believe this little stinker is 7 months old already. She's sitting up on her own, eating solids like it's going out of style, and babbling up a storm. We're still going strong with nursing and, unfortunately, co-sleeping. I can't wait to get a playpen or something to put her in at night. She's just too big and wiggly for the bassinet!

On an unrelated note, the ISO was cranked up to 1200 when I took these and I didn't realize it until after the fact. Argh.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Violet - 6 Months

Violet is actually already 7 months, but due to the lens on my camera breaking, I'm just now getting around to posting her 6 month photos. Since I consider 6 months a milestone (half a year, whatttttt?!) I took some special pictures in addition to our usual Violet on her quilt with her knit kitty. Enjoy!